Hefeny Khalifa
Accounts International
1220 L. St, NW
Suite 192
Washington, DC 20005
Ph: (800) 779-2083
“Don’t just hire an accountant, hire a business adviser.”
Hefeny Khalifia
Hefeny Khalifa is the V.P. of International Operations for Accounts International. He is responsible for providing management, oversight and strategic direction over the day-to-day activities of AI’s international operations.
Mr. Khalifa has over 35 years in experience in management and operations. Prior to joining Accounts International, he spent 20 years as a senior executive of Eastern Tobacco Co. – a British-American Tobacco Company. During his role as a senior executive, Eastern Tobacco expanded their product line to include 45 additional brands, increasing their top-line revenue by 10X to reach $2.5 billion of annual sales. His vision provided the guidance to create the infrastructure needed to sustain the growth the company enjoyed over a 15-year span.
Mr. Khalifa has a B.S. Mechanical Engineering from the University of Helwan Egypt. Additionally, he has earned an executive management certification from Georgetown University.
Don’t just hire an accountant. Hire a business adviser