Accounts International
1220 L. St, NW
Suite 192
Washington, DC 20005
Ph: (800) 779-2083
2023 Tax Planning
We are more than just an accounting firm compiling your financial statements. Accounts International is a comprehensive “advisory service” which provides your business with the resources to address your questions as you look to grow and optimize your business. Our unique approach to servicing your needs includes assigning a “team” of resources to support you as a client. An account manager will be assigned to your business to support your needs and respond to your information request. Our account managers are experienced practitioners with strong backgrounds in accounting and business consulting with extensive experience advising businesses ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. At Accounts International, we make these resources available to you on an ongoing basis with a simple email or phone call.
Additionally, we assign an accountant or team of accountants (depending upon your needs) to support you with financial statement generation, analysis, and report generation. In this capacity, we ensure that your business needs, however small or large, get the resources required to ensure that you are successful.
Don’t just hire an accountant. Hire a business adviser
Call Now: (800) 779-2083
1220 L. St, NW
Suite 192
Washington, DC 20005
(800) 779-2083
FAX: (202) 838-8166